We began our week in Texas with a visit to the Houston Temple. We met a brother inside the temple who, after finding out my last name, asked, "Is your father Kelly Ogden?" When I replied in the affirmative he said, "Your brother was in our ward here for a while." Tis a small world.
We decided to do some sealings at the Houston Temple. We were warned months ago that sealings can be somewhat precarious for pregnant women. Sam got to find out why that is the case. However, she didn't let a momentary loss of consciousness slow her down a bit!
They say that everything is bigger in Texas. I can say that includes the hearts of Sam's relatives, who were very hospitable to us during our short time in the Lone Star State. Here we are at El Gringo (Mexican food) with (left to right) Wilma (Aunt Lola's friend…..and now ours too!), Amanda (Aunt Beverly's daughter), Samantha (Amanda's daughter), (Great) Aunt Beverly, (Great) Aunt Lola, and Sam.
After spending a fun night in Houston we drove over to (Great) Aunt Lola's place in Yoakum.
Aunt Lola's house at the ranch in Yoakum
Aunt Lola and Sam discussing genealogy
The tree Aunt Lola used to play under…….I think she still plays there.
Mmmm, the cows get huge blocks of chocolate and vanilla ice cream.
"Ladies, that crazy human is about to lick our salt."
Hey Doug, do you remember 809 Cadwell Street?
I usually like to arrive at a new temple (one that I have not previously visited) during the day in order to take pictures, but I'm really glad we arrived at the San Antonio Temple at night. It is one of the most beautiful temples I've seen. Sam and I had to walk through bushes to get this picture. Why do they block me from getting to my sign?!
Oh, that stained glass!
Remember what I said about the small world? Inside the San Antonio Temple I met a guy with whom (Is that correct grammar, Mom? With whom?) I served in the National Guard 10 years ago.
Aunt Roxie! Another one of Sam's fabulous Great Aunts. I was thrilled when I found out that Lola and Roxie are big fans of Rumikub. We probably spent six hours over three different days trying to best each other. What a hoot!
On Saturday, I left Sam in San Antonio and drove to the Dallas Temple. Perhaps it would be better said that Sam made the wiser decision to have mercy on her rear end by avoiding another 8-9 hours in the car.

One of my early Christmas presents from Sam, which I was allowed to open upon my arrival in Dallas. Isn't she wonderful!
Santa Claus attended church with us on Sunday………and he led the music too! I wouldn't normally take pictures during Sacrament Meeting, but I couldn't pass up this Kodak moment.
Aunt Lola, Lorenzo, and Kerry took us on the river walk Sunday evening. Beautiful!
Aunt Lola, Sam, Daniel, Kerry, and Lorenzo
We visited the Alamo on Monday morning
Davyyyyyy……Daaaaaavy Crockett…..king of the wild frontier. Remember that old TV show?
Davy Crockett's wife?
We had lunch at Schilo's (pronounced "She-lows"), a German deli in San Antonio. I had the split-pea soup and German potato pancakes with apple sauce. Sam's pregnancy stomach told her to go with the chicken-salad sandwich. We both drank the delicious homemade root beer.
We started our week in Texas with the temple, so it's only fitting that we end this Texas experience with a visit to another temple. What a great week!
The quote of the week goes to 79-year-old Aunt Roxie: "I've got a crush on [Fox News host] Bret Baier."
A few responses to our question, "What is one thing you know about Mormons?":
Charlene - Concierge at Wyndam Garden - Baton Rouge, LA: Hesitation……..more hesitation……[laughing] "I'm speechless. I'm sorry, you guys caught me off guard. I wasn't expecting that question."
Cynthia - setting out bags of taffy at a country store near Yoakum, TX: "I don't know much. They have their own book and their own beliefs. I don't judge them. We all believe in God. You can't take your name tag with you when you die. You won't be Mormon, Catholic, Protestant, or Evangelical."
Melissa - Concierge at La Quinta - Hillsboro, TX: "Many stars, moons, and wives. Am I right? I dated a Mormon once, but I can't do the many wives thing."
Security guard at the federal courthouse and post office - San Antonio, TX: "I used to live in Utah. Frigid winters."
Cashier at United Supermarket in Lubbock, TX: "They're strict."